I'm heading over to my regular mechanic later today to see if there's anything he can do, but even he has told me that it's time for a new car. If our finances weren't so entangled in paying off debt for at least the next three months, I wouldn't even hesitate. So we have to keep the old Lumina going as best we can until at least August. So there's where we are.
Meanwhile, I have to pray that the car holds up well today, as I have to pick up Mom, get her to the foot doctor, then double back to the other side of town to get her to her regular doctor, go pay a storage shed bill, then get her home, as well as myself. I have a feeling this might be too much for the old girl at one time, but we'll have to take it on faith that we'll get through.
The only good thing that I see coming out of today is that I'll have some new MARK AND DEE episodes posted later this afternoon, and I'm winding down the number of backed-up TV shows and movies I have on my DVR. Oh, yeah, plus Young and the Restless. From what I've heard, Patty's little switcheroo with Emily pretty much collapses this afternoon.
God, what I wouldn't do for a big ol' fish sandwich from Ye Old Fish Shop today. But due to all the road construction down by their way, the shop is closed until June.
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