For those who've been wondering why the Mark and Dee strip has been gone for so long, your wait is almost over. I've been redrawing many subsequent installments due to my total dissatisfaction with what I was doing, and the strip will be back in the next couple of days.
Another project I've been working on has been a series of watercolor and ink paintings of all 11 Doctor Whos, and without further ado, let's take a look at'em...
The first I completed was the 11th Doctor and Amy last Christmas as a commissioned piece, and I would have stopped right there, except I really enjoyed the work I did on it and decided to do a similar study utilizing the ten others. As you can see, the 11th Doctor and Amy, TARDIS standing at the ready, are flanked (left upper corner going clockwise) by the new Dalek Paradigm, a Weeping Angel, the Dream Lord, a Smiler, Prisoner X, Dr. River Song, the Crack in the Wall, a newly evolved Silurian, Sir Winston Churchill, and Rory Williams.
Appropriately, I decided to head back to the beginning with William Hartnell as the First Doctor, flanked (l-r) by Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright, and granddauighter Susan Foreman. Surrounding them from upperleft corner and clockwise are two of the Thals from Skaro, two of the War Machines, Koquillion of "The Rescue", a Zarbi, a Menoptra, the Meddling Monk, Marco Polo, a Dalek, Cyberman 1.0, and the sinister Celestial Toymaker.
Standing proudly beside the Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) are (l-r) Zoe Hariott and highlander Jaime McCrimmon. From upperleft corner and clockwise, we have a Yeti, the Cybermen marching on London, a Dalek and the Emperor Dalek, a rather shouty Dominator, two toy soldiers from "The Mind Robber", Theodore Maxtible from "Evil of the Daleks", former companion Victoria Waterfield, the adjudicating Time Lords, a Quark, a Fish Person from "The Underwater Menace", the War Lord, Salamander from "Enemy of the World", an Ice Warrior, and Colonel Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.
I'm currently finishing paiting of the Third Doctor, have completed inks on the Fourth, and have started pencils and line work on the Fifth. More to come soon.
InConJunction was once again an off-the-hook blast, though this year we had our own little challenges, particularly with the Mariott undergoing remodeling out front, so hauling everything into the hotel was a bit more work, as we had to take the rear entrance, which was as far away from the ballroom we were going to be in as could be. But everything worked out fine, everyone had a great time, everyone's jazzed for the remainder of the sixth season of Doctor Who, which will begin on August 27th on BBC America!
Gonna take a break, and hopefully have more news about things coming my wife Deena's way.
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